Sunday, January 2, 2011

I want more information

I have often said that you shouldn't ask the question if you don't want the answer. This is along the lines of, "Does this make my butt look big?" If you are asking the question, go back in your room and change. It does make your butt look big and you already know it. Maybe when you form the question, you should or do already know the answer, but you need confirmation. Wouldn't it be better to answer the question for yourself? I mean, as far as your ass looking big... do you really want to plant that seed? If you are lucky, it only lives in your mind right now; once you ask the question, it will live in someone else's mind as well. Of course, this doesn't apply to everything, but in matters of the heart, and fashion, you should assume you know the answer and it isn't the one you really want to hear.

Here we come to information and technology. I struggle with this age of information technology. On one hand, I absolutely love technology and have been involved with it, in one way or another, since I was a child. On the other hand... there is so much available information out there.

When you learn new things, when you know things that would have been better left unknown, or you know things you weren't meant to know, you can pretend all you want that those things don't exist, but you can't un-know them. Your mind will factor in all the new information and make it impossible for you to see things the way you did before knowing. Your brain doesn't allow you to have amnesia at will. You will try to move past, but you'll come back and the information will give you a fresh pain.

We have arrived at one of the best and worst technology possibilities: Information availability. In earlier days, if you didn't want someone to know something, you just didn't tell them. Now, if you want to keep a secret, you need to change your name.

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